Tutorial 3. Using a new ligand and link descriptions
1. Introduction
This tutorial uses a 1.6 Å resolution P212121 crystal structure of
pig cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase in complex with
2-methylaspartat (Rhee et al., 1997; PDB code 1ajs). The
asymmetric unit contains a dimer formed by subunits A and B. The
coenzyme pyridoxal-5'-phosphate is present as the external
aldimine in subunit A, where it forms an Schiff base with the
substrate analogue 2-methylaspartate. At the same time the
coenzyme in subunit B forms the internal aldimine with the side
chain of Lys 258. The two aldimines will be defined as a monomer
and as a link, respectively.
• The directory "jligand/3_newlink" contains the tutorial data
(files 1ajs.mtz and model.pdb).
– Set up ccp4i project "3_newlink" with this directory as the
project directory.
2. Refine incomplete structure and analyse the electron
• Run Refmac
Input files: 1ajs.mtz, model.pdb
Output files: 1ajs_refmac1.mtz, model_refmac1.pdb
• Launch Coot from Refmac result page.
• Validate > Difference Map Peaks
• Two top peaks should correspond to
– PLP covalently bound to lysine
– PLP covalently bound to alpha-methyl-aspartate.
• The two compounds are shown below. The first one is incorporated
into the polypeptide chain and we will define it as a link in the
additio al library; the second is an isolated ligand and will be
defined as a monomer.
3. Generate description of link LYS-PLP
• ccp4i > Refinement > Restraint Preparation > Ligands
and links with JLigand
• In JLigand window, load LYS and PLP from "Load Ligand" text box
• Check "Atom Ids" check-box
• Select "Del" in the left bar and delete O4A atom in PLP
• Select "Link" and connect NZ (LYS) and C4A (PLP)
• Double-click on the new bond and change bond type to "double"
• Ligand > Regularise > LYS-PLP
• File > Save as Link > LYS-PLP
– In "Save as CIF-library" window select filename refmac.cif
– Read notes in "Save Link Record" window and press "Yes" button
– Save "linkrecord.pdb"
Output files: refmac.cif, linkrecord.pdb
4. Generate description and coordinates of PLP bound to
• Examine molecular graph editing Help > JLigand Help
• Load PLP and extend the molecular graph following the figure
• Rename atoms according to the figure
• Rename ligand to MSP
• Regularise MSP
• To avoid confusion, make sure that chirality of CA is set
to "allow both"
– Double-click on CA to open "Edit atom details"
– Check selection in "Chirality" menu and change it if necessary
– This will make it possible to correct chirality of the atom
later in Coot
• File > Append as Monomer > MSP
– In "Append to CIF-library" window select refmac.cif and press
• File > Save Coordinates > MSP
– In "Save coordinates" window select "Exclude Hydrogens"
– In "Save coordinates in PDB-file" window, keep the default
filename MSP.pdb
Output files: refmac.cif, MSP.pdb
5. Dock MSP into electron density
• Files 1ajs_refmac1.mtz and model_refmac1.pdb are already opened
in Coot
• Load the description and coordinates of MSP
– File > Import CIF dictionary; select project 3_newlink and
file refmac.cif
– File > Open Coordinates; select project 3_newlink and file
• Fit MSP into its density,
– Calculate > Other Modelling Tools > Find Ligands
– Find Ligands window, section "Select Ligands to Search for":
select ".../MSP.pdb" and "Flexible?" check boxes and then press
"Find Ligands" button
– Fitted Ligands window: select "Fitted Ligand •0" and press OK to
navigate to fitted ligand
• Refine fitting
• Append fitted ligand to the protein molecule
– Edit (Calculate in old Coot) > Merge Molecules...; select "Fitted ligand • 0"
• Make sure that the ligand is appended
– Open Display Manager and switch on and off the molecule
6. Dock PLP into electron density and save the structure with
• Load description and coordinates of PLP from the standard
– Coot: File > Get Monomer...; enter 3-letter code PLP
• Remove hydrogen atoms
• Fit PLP into its density
• Refine fitting
• Delete O4A atom from PLP
• Append fitted ligand to the molecule model_refmac1.pdb
• Make sure that the ligand is appended
• Take a note of PLP residue number and chain ID (should be "D 1")
• Save molecule model_refmac1.pdb
– select project 3_newlink and keep default filename
• Exit Coot
7. Refine structure with ligand and link
• Edit the file linkrecord.pdb. This file contains one line, which
is an instruction for Refmac to apply the link LYS-PLP to
specified residues.
– If you have followed instructions precisely,
model_refmac1-coot-0.pdb will contain PLP as residue 1 in chain D
("PLP D 1"). Check if this is correct using a text editor or in
– Edit chain IDs and residue numbers in linkrecord.pdb. These
should be: "LYS B 258" and "PLP D 1". Keep format of
the record as it was, i.e. four characters for the residue number
• Insert the LINK-record from linkrecord.pdb into
model_refmac1-coot-0.pdb, just before CRYST1 record.
• Run Refmac with the completed model and additional library
– In the line Libin specify additional library refmac.cif
Input files: 1ajs.mtz, model_refmac1-coot-0.pdb, refmac.cif
Output files: 1ajs_refmac2.mtz, model_refmac2.pdb
• Note the decrease in R-free compared to the previous Refmac run
• In Output Files section of Result viewer press Display to see
the content of the output PDB-file. Check, if this file contains
LINKR record (a few lines before CRYST1). If it does, then
everything was done correctly.
• Launch Coot to examine the electron density of the ligands